
Mood Board

Let’s chat mood boards! I created this mood board, not necessarily for MY living room, but to show you start to finish what I typically do. But to be honest, these are totally my vibes and I would be thrilled if my living room looked like this! I’m going to let you know exactly how I came up with this.

I’ve been creating mood boards for years. I’m a visual learner, and I need to see everything together before I pull the trigger on any interior design project.

The first thing that I do is open Pinterest and start browsing. Search ideas. Here’s a few that I often search for: Neutral decor, whimsical home, modern interiors, floral wallpaper, simple gallery wall ideas, vintage rugs, herringbone tile, french cottage inspired, found wood, velvet pillows, organic modern design, brass light fixtures…. you get the idea!

literally all you need is ONE idea to spark your Pinterest search. It can totally become a rabbit hole.

Start a board and start saving everything that you like to it. It doesnt matter if it doesn’t match or flow, because you’re just trying to figure out what you like right now. Eclectic is perfectly fine. THis board will hopefully start to be filled with your aesthetic.

What room is it that you’re designing? Let’s say its your living room. Then you need to determine what are the items you want to fill the space? Make a list.

Couch, faux tree, Lamps, Rug, Side tables, Mirror

Now look through your board. Did you pin any of those when you were establishing your aesthetic? ahhhh, You were drawn to a camel leather couch. Perfect. Take a screen shot and crop it down small so that only the main image is seen. Go back to Pinterest & browse again.

Also I look on FB marketplace for some one of a kind pieces to add.

Ok, say you want to fill a empty corner with a faux tree. But you have no idea what kind. That’s ok, search for the size of tree: large, realistic faux tree living room. Then, browse until you see one that makes you stop dead in your tracks. Add that baby to your board! Don’t forget to save the items to your pinterest board so that you can go back and reference it to find the original source if you’d like to purchase. it.

Now you have two things for your mood board. Keep going! The more you search on Pinterest, and add things to your board, the more Pinterest will continue to show you things based off of what you have searched for. Because of this, I find lots of my fav things just by browsing the home screen.

Now look for a rug. Are you drawn to neutrals? Rich colors? Soft texture or jute? Search that. Search idea: large, vintage rich colored rug. You know what to do next!

Once you have saved all of your favorite items to your pinterest board and have taken a screenshot and cropped all the images down, you’re ready to create your official mood board.

I make my mood boards on Instagram because it’s super easy and fast! I open IG stories, make the background image white for your base. Start adding your photos one by one. You can rearrange them and make them bigger or smaller to fit your screen. Save your image instead of posting your story, unless you want the world to see of course.

That’s it! I know a lot of people use Canva to create their mood boards, but like I said, I like fast and easy and Canva takes more steps than I’d like.

I hope you found this helpful! Now get out there and create your first mood board babyyyyyyy!

xoxo Lacey

  1. DavidCes says:

    Bravo, excellent idea

    • Sierra says:

      Very helpful!!!! I just bought my first home and we will be renovating our bathroom as soon as our new bundle of joy arrives and i now know how to make one of your FABULOUS mood boards in the mean time so i know exactly where to start! Because, let’s be honest, renovating and decorating can be over whelming! This will make it easier for sure! Thank you Lacey!!!

    • Lola DeWitt says:

      Wow Lacey!! Such great ideas! You explained it so well! Can’t wait to start my bedroom mood board! Thanks Lacey 😍

  2. Farrah says:

    Awesome!!! Thanks for creating a how to for us to follow. Love your content and how authentic your are ❤️

  3. Shyanne says:

    Love this and you!!

  4. Sara Sohappy says:

    I have many things saved on Pinterest for ideas on decorating but never thought to create a mood board. Think I might need to create one now. Love following you on Instagram.

  5. Fabiana says:

    So glad your blog is up. Love following you

  6. Jennieb says:

    Great first blog! I enjoy you and your cute fam on Instagram. Thank you for sharing your life and your fun, gorgeous home with all of us!

  7. Lindsey says:

    So happy for you Lacey!! Cheers 🥂

  8. Stacey says:

    Yes! I did this exact thing for a bathroom I just redid. I agree Instagram is way easier for making the mood board! Love your page & vibe!

  9. Holly Buehler says:

    I’ve always been intimidated to try this, but you made it sound so easy! Thanks for sharing. Love following you!

  10. Julianne says:

    Ahhhh, it’s live! Love your content and I think I’m going to try this whole mood board thing out!

  11. Katie says:

    So excited to check in here for your future posts! Looking forward to sharing this with my sister. She just moved into her first home with her new husband. Yay!

  12. Tracy says:

    Searching large realistic faux tree living room now!!! Thank you. Loved your first blog

  13. Nicole H. says:

    Love following your content! So excited about this!

  14. Kelly V says:

    I love the whole Pinterest rabbit hole concept. I imagine your initial search will spiral to ideas you didn’t even think about. Then you are able to capture the items that speak to you individually, then combine your similar concepts, and then create ideal space.

    I honestly never have thought of Pinterest like that, love this. Thank you for sharing. I always struggle starting off a home decor project, and it’s because I am trying to do Google searches, but all the Google search does, is pin me into a corner with the same redundant ideas.

    Thanks again, and off to Pinterest I go! ♥️♥️

  15. Whitney says:

    Love this! Moving into my first home next week and it is in desperate need of a makeover! So excited to have a direction to move in now. Thank you!

  16. Emily says:

    I’ve been waiting to subscribe!! 🤍 congratulations!! 🎉

  17. Nalani says:

    This is sooo helpful!! I get really stuck on whether or not things will look good together when I’m buying online and can’t see them in person. I can’t wait to start cropping them next to each other!!

  18. Lara says:

    Love this, and you!

  19. Liz Barnes says:

    Yay, Lacey! This is fantastic content! Per usual! ♥️

  20. Rose Contreras says:

    Great tips!!! I watched your story of how you build your boards and I tried it! I’m in the middle of redoing our dining area. I absolutely love your home and style! I love all of the colors and wall paper! You definitely are influencing me! Keep it coming!!!!

  21. Kelly says:

    Super 2st blog. Lots of info without writing a book – I like quick reads so this is perfect- thanks

  22. Melissa Adair says:

    Love your style!! Thanks for the tips. Need to get myself organized & create some mood boards to cast vision! Would be motivating to see my ideas all together. Thanks Lacey!! Love the layout, colors & fonts on your blog!

  23. Melissa says:

    Love this and have recently started creating mood boards myself. So fun and addicting!

  24. Suzan says:

    Great first post! Easy to follow and explained so well that I’m sure many followers will now try. Keep em coming.

    Hope you enjoy this extension of your brand-

  25. Jessalyn says:

    Yes girl! Look at you and your first post!

  26. Julie says:

    Thank you for the ideas! I scroll Pinterest all the time and now will do it with a purpose!!

  27. Shauna says:

    This is seriously so helpful!! Creating mood boards seems so intimidating for me so I just scroll online and jump around from item to item, ultimately getting nowhere. Your approach seems so much more organized and not so intimidating. Thank you for breaking it down and simplifying it.

  28. pnkrose says:

    Just started my very first mood board on Canva! excited to see what I do. Thanks for these tips and tricks.

  29. Kenna says:

    Looks sooo good!! So glad to have you here now too!!

  30. Shea says:

    Love the tips!!!

  31. Grace says:

    So so helpful!! We’ll be moving into our first home in a week and I have so many new spaces to figure out. I was feeling so lost on how to approach it all and you shared this at the perfect time! Thank you!!!

  32. Tina Rhodes says:

    This is so awesome! I have always wanted to do a mood board but had no idea how to even start! Thank you so much for this information! You have made it actually make sense for me!!!

  33. Rachell says:

    Love this! I’m a huge Pinterest enthusiast and I have boards up the wahoo! Now I want to go through each board and create my mood boards out of them! This was so helpful! Thank you🖤

  34. Arianne says:

    You have inspired me! Thank you for always being real.

  35. Heather says:

    Great info. I’ve never done a physical mood board. I feel like I have one in my head but I’m going to try this next time! Love the Instagram tip as well. Your web site is beautiful. Congratulations!

  36. Kristin says:

    Your creations always inspire me to step out of the box and not be afraid to be ME and make MY HOUSE a reflection of that! I have so many Pinterest inspiration boards, but when it comes down to it, I shy away from being too bold. Seeing your beautiful home and your bubbly personality reflect right through it has been everything! Thanks ❤️

  37. Lenna says:

    Eeeekkkkkk, congratulations on the website girlfriend!!!! I know this has been in the works a long time, but L I F E. It’s SO damn cute. The whole thing. I absolutely adore it.

    I’m craving some emo shit from you. I love your design side, but I want you to tell me a story from your heart. Anyways, food for thought. K, love you, byyyyyye.


  38. Tara J says:

    I have ALWAYS wondered how people do this! (Mind blown 🤣) wow. What a great 1st blog to start with! Thank you for the inspiration- I’ll be on Pinterest if anyone needs me hahaha congrats on your website!!!

  39. Madelin Lanksbury says:

    Love this so much! Mood boards for the win! Such a cute new website as well! 💜💜

  40. Bridget says:

    I absolutely love this! We’re buying our first home and I definitely needed this to help contain my ideas and show my husband what I’m talking about for design lol. Sometimes he looks at me like I have lost my mind. Can’t wait to read all of the blog posts that you create!!!

  41. Alexiss W. says:

    Yes! I love that you suggest using Instagram to make the board. Now I’m excited to try it out!!!

  42. Brandi Moline says:

    Great info! Thanks Lacey! I’ll definitely be trying this. Thank you.

  43. Karen says:

    This is great! I’m moving today and now I’m starting my first mood board tonight!

  44. Marisa says:

    Love this! Great first blog post. Super clear and easy to follow. Congrats on launching the blog, can’t wait to follow along with you here ☺️

  45. Breanna says:

    I Love this!!!!! Thanks for the info!!!! You are amazing!❤️❤️❤️

  46. Rachel says:

    Yay!!!! Love this and you did a great job!!!

  47. Olivia says:

    Definitely need to try to make mood boards for my next project!! So excited about your site – looks amazing!

  48. Lacy says:

    Thank you! Super helpful! My Pinterest is exploding with all my ideas. I’ve just never taken that step to put it all together first before putting holes in the walls and spending money. Definitely will be using this mood board technique! Loving your account and all your homey looks! 🙂

  49. Teressa Robison says:

    This was very helpful! I wondered how to do it on a phone instead of a PC in PowerPoint.

  50. Cenchrea says:

    Awesome tips and I totally read this in your voice, lol. Keep it up! Website is 🔥😘

  51. Jeannine says:

    Love mood boards!! Awesome post!!♥️

  52. Amanda Guthrie says:

    Love this idea! I always save things to Pinterest but haven’t thought about putting them together as a mood board.

    And I LOVE the look of your website! 😍😍

  53. Shelly says:

    This is very helpful! We have a kitchen remodel coming and I feel paralyzed with choices! I am definitely going to do this.

  54. Nicole E says:

    Love this! We are gearing up for a kitchen remodel and I can’t wait to create my first mood board now!

  55. Kathi says:

    I have always loved doing DIY projects and changing things up in my home. I had lost my creativity over the past couple of years. I found you on Instagram and you have helped spark my creativity again. I started by painting for a clean slate and have been struggling to pull together the vibe I’m wanting. I had never considered a mood board. Thank you Lacey. Your energy and beautiful spirit makes me smile daily!

  56. Jennifer says:

    You are really good at explaining things! I’ve never considered making a mood board but I think it might be very helpful for me. I have such a broad range of home decor that I pick up at thrift store all the time. Everything from MCM, boho, African, Mexican, etc. I love it all but it’s hard for me to figure out how to make it all work together. I think mood boards might help me sort out my style since I’m a visual person too.

  57. Leatha says:

    We just sold our house! And now I get to design from top to bottom my new one. Thank you for this! I can’t wait to create a mood board.

  58. Rebecca says:

    I have my new living room furniture ordered…patiently waiting since February for it…so I am going to creat a mood board for my living room!!! Rugs overwhelm me, so hopefully this the inspiration I needed!

  59. Andrea says:

    Great info! I love watching you transform the spaces in your home. I’m going to give this a try and see if I can update our home a little at a time.

  60. Taysa Hernandez says:

    I’m so excited to try this!

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